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Destiny 2 locks exotic weapon - she made players immortal

Telesto (auch Saturn XIII) ist der sechzehnte und einer der kleineren der 82 bekannten Monde des Planeten Saturn sowie einer von zwei Trojanermonden von Tethys. Sie weist die hellste aller bekannten Oberflächen im Sonnensystem auf, die sogar die Reflektivität von frisch gefallenem Schnee übertrifft.

Indestiny 2 has Telesto the Besto in Season 15 has already been worn for the second time. How bungie informed about Twitter, the developer has blocked the exotic fusion gun because it could almost make players.

Again and again, in Destiny 2, the customizable combinations of different mods, buffs and exotics for unique and unfortunately also unwanted effects. This variety of possibilities makes Destiny 2 builds flexibly, but also prone to mistakes. Just when it forms unwanted synergies or create strong effects, give players an advantage.

At the weekend, two new mistakes were revealed by the Destiny 2 community that bungie has caused to disable both exotics to further.

The disabled exotics is:

Telesto , exotic fusion gun Unplanned grace period. Fusion projectiles remain liable and detonating with a delayed empty explosion and pulse of the harbinger: Multikills immediately invite your equipped kinetics and energy weapons from the reserves. Raijus Harnisch - Exotic Hunter Chestguard for Arcus Acroat Möbius line. Deactivate whirlwind protection prematurely. When warding, no additional super energy is consumed.

The bugs that produced both exotics would have been too much advantage for the ongoing trials of Osiris to leave them in the game. That is why Telesto was disabled in all PVP and Gambit activities and Raijus Harnisch in all activities until further notice.

In the following video, the problem with Telesto becomes very clear:

Telesto made players almost immortal: In the video is to see how a player shot the projectiles of Telesto to the body. These stick there stick and envelop the guardian almost completely. Afterwards you take it under fire.

At least body hits are completely absorbed by this Telesto protective shield . Also, if the head of it is not protected and enemy hits can still land there, the player nevertheless gets hard to harm and thus becomes heavier. Since a VEX mythoclast can not do much.

What does Bungie say?: Probably there is already a large red emergency button for such special Telesto emergencies at Bungie. So the community manager writes to the bug on Twitter:

What is the most scary in Destiny? I start: Telesto!

DMG04, community manager at Bungie, Via Twitter

Telesto is always good for a glitch

While bungie works on a solution, the players have already commented on the new Telesto Bug on Social Media. Each Season needs your Telesto Glitch - or two, or three ... . The Official Destiny 2 Account posts a photo with an update of the safety-first display panel in the Tower Lang.

But if everything is still going on?: Thus wrote Drexis Animation in September 2021, at the first bug of Telesto in season 15, on Twitter: Telesto will probably be the only thing that will end in the end.

It wears many names. The entity. The Winnower. It is the final form. The end of all things. If all other bugs are fixed, only Telesto remains. It is unstoppable. Inevitable. Parakausal. Savathun himself fears her power.

Drexis animation via Telesto bugs via Twitter

Again and again the community can use Telesto new ways to destroy the game with the weapon. In Season 15, Telesto has already made this for the second time and expand its position as the best Gamebreaker Queen of Destiny 2.

Telesto may: But the community is also agreed. If that may be a weapon in Destiny 2, then it is Telesto. For the players, the exotic fusion rifle Telesto is the undisputed queen of Gamebreaking. At no other weapon, Bungie has so far made so many adjustments and to fix errors.

The community of Destiny 2 has almost a little pity with bungie. Maybe it would make sense to better take such a broken exotic like Telesto completely out of the game. But so far, Bungie has repeatedly repaired the bugs with Telesto. Especially the Telesto is a very unique weapon because it does not fire normal bullets.

So diverse Telesto already bothered the game mechanics of Destiny 2:

Your fusion projectiles are registered as enemies With Telesto it was possible to get infinite ammunition The EXO levered complete RAID mechanics In the Blind Source you could skip with Telesto almost the very activity They gave guides maximum buffs when you shot on the projectiles yourself A seasonal Season 15 mod made sure that you could produce infinite many spheres of power

Also interesting:

Destiny 2 now has the perfect disgust sparrow to Halloween 8 facts that you did not know about the infamous Warlock Ikora Rey of Destiny 2 yet Destiny 2 Nerft His Best Exotic - is the Vex Mythoclast in the end?

This hunter exotic was locked

Together with the exotic fusion rifle Telesto, it also caught the hunter breast protection Raijus-Harnisch from Season 10. He is also disabled until further notice because he allowed players to use infinite super energy. For this purpose, it was only necessary shortly before leaving the arcus acrobat super to activate the whirlwind protection . Once activated, this could then be executed infinitely. Also, if the super has already come to an end.

When are the two exotics available again?: Currently no appointment is known when bungie releases the two exotics again. As soon as we know something, we will inform you.

Write us what you think about what Telesto breaks next. Maybe Telesto-Bubbles will soon be dropped exotic engrams? Or if you start the Bubbles of Telesto, you can improve your KD / A. Who knows. But for sure this was definitely not the last time that Telesto has defended her status as Gamebreaker. Or are you also thinking Telesto should be better completely disabled?


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